Untitled Artsy Objects ︎

A series of  hands-on objects made of     
|||   1.rubber       
|||   2.steel string+wood+rubber   
|||   3.rubber 

For my architecture design project.

Inspirations were from my personal experience
of several site-visiting,
and basically can be staged as three as listed:

Stage 1: The space of Co-prosperity Sphere   

Stage 2: Loomis Bridge House and its’ surroundings

Stage 3: How it will be perceived by the public when my design strategy( concept of intertwine )
applied on the Loomis Bridge House. 


Stage 1: The space of Co-prosperity Sphere :

Co-prosperity Sphere is a nonprofit based art space, also runs a nonprofit audio channel
called the lumpen audio based in Chicago.
Their space is used for holding the exhibitions, shows, performences, etc. 
They are owning a pretty flexible space, which could be adjusted to be various uses. 
Based on my obeservation, different programmings comes together and mixs up naturally. 
I cut the rubber sheet to slices and intertwined them together mimicking the various spacial programmings comes togther.
Individual tender is unable to stand sternly, but it will go strong in a rubber tenders ball when all of them are intertwined,
the same situation could be applied on the Cps, where the one programming will be too thin,
too bored to stand until everything gather together.


copyright © Xintong Liu